The Few, the Proud...the Commissioned
The characters you're most likely to see that I've done in The Art section, and the only ones as of yet who have made it to the Commissions and Fanart section.

The Not-So-Lucky Ones--The Ones (Currently) Denied
Character Sheets
The majority of my characters fit into this category--and aside from the commissioned
characters, they're more loved than the ones with character sheets. ;) I plan to remedy their lack of character sheets,
soon--hopefully, anyway.

The Lucky Ones--The Ones With Character
Characters who I have in the past considered getting commissioned, but thus
far haven't...Who knows? Maybe I will, someday.

The Others--The Ones That Aren't Mine, But Are
Loved Like They Are
Currently the home of only one character, the only character who isn't mine
who I'm willing to spend (and have spent) money to get commissions of. ;)

More characters, coming soon!
May or may not include...
Mathias Beck
Aidan Carlquist
Tim Greene
Kat DeWolf
Annemarie Ketria
Christopher Donovan
Kalos & Kirin
David & Adina
Dana & Adan
[Dashes signify separate stories/worlds]